The Court of cassation ensures that the interpretation of law is the same for everyone

The Court of cassation ensures that the interpretation of law is the same for everyone


Study visit of the Constitutional Court of the Republic of Kosovo

Judge Remzije Istrefi-Peci and jurisconsult Suzana Krasniqi from Kosovo's Constitutional Court were welcomed to the Cour de cassation for a...


Meeting with a delegation from the Italian Ministry of Justice : discussions on the team around the judge

On 18 March 2024, the Cour de cassation welcomed a delegation from the Italian Ministry of Justice: Mr Alessandro D'Ancona, Head of the General Aff...


Meeting with a delegation from the World Bank: Open Data and new technologies

On 11 March 2024, the Cour de cassation hosted a World Bank delegation for a work meeting on the use of new technologies and the Open Data...

The Cour de cassation launches its International Newsletter

With its International Newsletter, the Cour de cassation aims to open up to the world and raise awareness of the French judicial model....

  • International
  • Translated rulings

Working seminar between the Supreme Court of Singapore and the Cour de cassation

On 31 January 2024, a working seminar was remotely held between the Supreme Court of Singapore and the Cour de cassation, on the subject of...


Opening of the Judicial Year of the Corte suprema di Cassazione of Italy

On January 25, 2024, First President Christophe Soulard was represented by Ms. Florence Marguerite, Judge referee, and Mr....


International news

The international activities of the Court aim to strengthen the dialogue between judges beyond borders. This allows the Court to promote its case law and working methods, to disseminate the French judiciary’s values but also to learn from other legal systems in order to enrich French law and to reflect on its practices

Solemn installation hearing of the new heads of the Belgian Court of Cassation

On 19 April 2024, First President Christophe Soulard was represented by Jean-Paul Jean, Honorary chamber President of the French Cour de cassation...


Study visit from the Council of Europe's TJENI programme

On 5 April 2024, the Cour de cassation welcomed a delegation from the Council of Europe for the TJENI project " Foster Transparency of...

Conseil de l'Europe

Eighteen new judges from the Cour de cassation on a study visit to the CJEU

A delegation of judges from the Cour de cassation visited the Court of Justice of the European Union (CJEU) on 18 and 19 March 2024....


International conference in Riga

Illustrating the importance attached by the Cour de cassation to European legal dialogue, First President Christophe Soulard was represented by Hon...

Webinar with the Supreme Court of Japan on the challenges of digitalization in the judiciary

On 9 December 2021, the Court of cassation exchanged with the Supreme Court of Japan during a webinar dedicated to the challenges of the di...


Training of magistrates of the Cour de cassation (Court of cassation) at the Court of Justice of the European Union

On 18 and 19 October 2021, twenty magistrates of the Cour de cassation (Court of cassation) visited the Court of Justice of the Eu...

Rencontre entre Monsieur le Président Cathala et une délégation de haut niveau de la Cour pénale spéciale de République centrafricaine

On 8 October 2021, President Cathala welcomed at the Cour de cassation (Court of cassation) the President of the Central African R...


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