Videoconference with the Estonian Supreme Court on crisis management and open data of judicial decisions


In the current context of health crisis, the Cour de cassation (Court of cassation) is committed to digitalisation and attentive to innovate and modernise its information system. Therefore, the Court wished to engage an exchange with the Estonian Supreme Court in order to feed its reflections and compare practices. Indeed, Estonia is one of the countries which has been least mpacted by the health crisis in Europe, including in the field of justice.

The first part of the exchanges was devoted to the impact of the health crisis on the jurisdictional activity of our two courts. The speeches of Bruno Cathala, President of the social chamber and of Henri de Larosière de Champfeu, senior judge at the criminal chamber, illustrated the way the Court adapted itself to deal with the crisis, evoking the specificities of civil and criminal matters. Ines Cherichi, judge, deputy  Director of the Documentation, Studies and Reporting Department (DSRD) presented the specific role of this Department and the way its working methods have been adapted to deal with the crisis.

The second part of this meeting focused on budgetary and IT aspects. Fatima Halla, deputy secretary general, presented the new information system strategy of the Cour de cassation (Court of Cassation). The exchanges highlighted the need for the courts to have modern adaptable and reliable information systems. In this matter, the Estonian Supreme Court demonstrates great innovation, including in the introduction of electronic signatures.

Finally, this meeting was the occasion for the Cour de cassation (Court of Cassation) to present to the Estonian Supreme Court actions taken in the field of open data. Ms. Estelle Jond Necand, judge, Director of the project “Open data”, presented the issues at stake and the challenges identified. The Estonian Supreme Court, who has been providing access to its judicial decisions for many years, has been particularly interested in issues relating to the processing of personal data.

The organisation of the video conference allowed our two courts to have a deep exchange on topical issues and to maintain the dialogue in this context of crisis, while waiting for a meeting in Paris or in Tallinn.



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