Webinar with the Supreme Court of Algeria


On 13 January 2022, the Court of cassation exchanged with the Supreme Court of Algeria in the framework of the Support Programme to the Justice Sector in Algeria led by Expertise France, during a webinar dedicated to the methodology and the challenges related to the digital transformation of the Court of cassation.

Following the visioconference held on 27 September 2021 on the use of the virtual office, and in line with the active involvement of the Court of cassation in the Support Programme, this webinar gave the opportunity to the Court of cassation to share with its counterparts of the Supreme Court of Algeria experience feedback on the implementation of the IT structure for file dematerialization, as well as on its related operational and technological challenges.

The webinar gathered Ms Fatima Halla, Deputy Secretary General of the Court’s First Presidency, in charge of administrative, budgetary, IT and real estate departments, Ms Bussière, First President and head of the Support Programme, as well as Ms Chikhi, judge in charge of the documentation department, and Ms Gadouche, head of the IT department of the Supreme Court of Algeria, in charge of the reform “Digital Supreme Court”.

On this occasion, Ms Fatima Halla introduced the digital strategy of the Court of cassation and its outlook for development, as well as the methodology to be implemented to assess the needs related to the dematerialization process.

At the end of the meeting, the two courts expressed their wish to pursue their close cooperation in 2022 as part of the Support Programme, through the organization of working meetings between experts and study visits focusing on the digitalization, the registry management, the drafting of rulings, and their publication and dissemination.



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