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55 result(s) - 6 page(s)

50th anniversary of France's ratification of the Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms


The Cour de cassation was delighted to host a conference celebrating the 50th anniversary of France's ratification of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Free...

  • Europe
  • International
  • Premier président
  • Procureur général

Visit of the First President and the Prosecutor-General at the ECHR for the judicial seminar and the opening of the judicial year ceremony


On 26 January 2024, First President Christophe Soulard and Prosecutor General Rémy Heitz travelled to Strasbourg to take part in the ceremony of the European Court of Human Rights' opening...

  • Jurisdictions
  • International
  • Institutionnal relations

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